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Purford Green School

Purford Green School


How do I tell you my child is unwell?

Please call the school before 9.30am, leaving a message on the school answerphone to talking to a member of office staff.

How do I pay for my child’s school meals and trips?

We are a cashless school so all payments are made through Arbor Pay, this is a pay account you will be asked to set up once your child starts school.

How will I know if the school is closed?

Our policy is to keep the school open, even if it snows. However in the rare event we need to close the school we will send a message via the Class Dojo and email.

Do you have a Breakfast Club and after School Club?

We have a breakfast club that opens at 7.45am. Places are limited and can be booked at the school office. We also run an after-school club from 3.10pm until 5,30pm. Please enquire at the school office.